Reflections on leadership in different sectors (Sept 2019)

When introducing myself in a call today I spoke about working with leaders from public, private, and not for profit sectors. Which of course led to a brief conversation about similarities and differences. And then some reflection ...

In the last week (September 2019) I've facilitated Action Learning Groups for HMPPS senior leaders, had executive coaching sessions via Skype as part of pro-bono work with WaterAid, and facilitated the first module of a senior lawyer development programme for an international law firm. And yes there are big differences in demands of the role, technical skills, culture, day-to-day challenges - not to mention resources, remuneration etc. etc. But on reflection it's the similarities that are striking when leaders have a safe space to reflect. For example .….

How to create space and time to really think strategically and reflect upon priorities, when my diary is full of meetings and immediate demands?

When the big picture is so challenging, uncertain, and often wearisome, how can I stay connected with my values and passion for the role? Connecting with junior and front line employees, and mentoring seem to be a common theme here.

Promotion is an option but I know it will need different skills, even more hours, distance from the work I enjoy. Do I want that? How will it affect me and my family? If I say no how will I and others view that?

When I move on from this role will I have made a positive difference? 'Legacy' is a term that is bandied around, perhaps a better translation is "can I move on with my head held high?"

How do I have a tricky conversation with (fill in the gap) whilst maintaining respect, relationship, professionalism?

No research, just reflections at the end of the first full back to work / school week after summer holidays!


Feedback fumbles - making sense of feedback (Nov 2019)


Does workplace resilience training make a difference? (Mar 2019)